Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The rain in Spain

A song from a beloved musical has taught us time and time again that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plaines.  Now this is actually what pops into most people's head when Spain is mentioned.  I in fact had several people sing that song when I told them of my plan to move to Spain.  This song however lies.  I do not live in the plaines but the rain is falling, and falling and falling.  It has actually rained for the last 6 days.    I'm not complaining, I just want to make sure none of you take that song too seriously, for it is not an accurate description of the precipitation patterns of Spain.  No in all honestly it has been raining in lots of parts of Spain recently.  Other places in Andalucia, Madrid, even into Portugal.  It has just been a rainy week.  It's unfortunate because we actually have been off of school for the last few days.  Monday was Constitution day here and today we celebrate some saint.  So we have had Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off of school.  Instead of traveling this break I stayed in Huelva and one miss Kelley Duffey came down to visit!!  She was more successful the second time around.  She made it to Huelva Saturday and stayed till Tuesday.  Although we didn't do a whole bunch of exciting things (partially due to rain)  we had the best time together.  We both enjoyed being around someone familiar.  I showed her around Huelva, we went to a great Spanish movie and took a day trip to Sevilla.  Add that to the afternoons out getting coffee and the ridiculous number of Modern Family episodes we watched and you better believe we had a great weekend.  I'm a bit jealous because she is going home to Minnesota for Christmas.  I mean I get to go to Paris, but still there is something about being home for Christmas, and seeing as this is my first Christmas ever away, it's a little difficult.  There are several Christmas songs I have to skip when they come up on my itunes, like I'll be home for Christmas, and Theres no place like home for the Holidays.  It's just better if I don't listen to them.  I am enjoying Christmas time here though.  They have put up Christmas lights around the city here.  And there is big light tree in the center.  The lights are quite beautiful, although it isn't quite the same seeing them in a background of rain rather than snow.  On thing I will say about the rainy weather,  the air temp has gotten significantly higher.  This is great for us who have been freezing in our piso.  These last few days I have barely needed to wear a coat.  It's nice, but again doesn't help with creating a Christmassy atmosphere.  Anyway we are doing the best we can with the way Spain celebrates Christmas.  School continues to go well, I only have about 2 weeks until Christmas break.  Well that all I have for now.  Sorry there is nothing exciting in this entry, but that what you get with a week straight of rain.  Until next time, and you can be sure I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.


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